Ever see someone commit a horrible attempt at winking?
It's the simplest thing: a wink. One eye closing rather quickly while the other remains open. Not exactly rocket science, per se. But for some, the proper wink is a grand achievement. Instead, both eyes close at the same time, or one closes incredibly slow, or you see that twitch in the corner of their mouth as they try to close one eye.
Or my favorite: the overabundant winker.
The winker who doesn't realize that you caught it the first time and does it at least five or six times to make sure you've caught the hint. Of course, by this time, everyone else in the room has been cued into whatever hint they were attempting to make.
You know how in kindergarten they make you bring mirrors to class so that you can learn how to properly shape vowels with your mouths? I think they should dedicate at least 5 minutes of that portion of the class indicating how to wink properly.
So that the rest of the world will know you're not having a fit.
Winking and not blinking,
PS. Actually keep winking how you wink. 'Cause I think it's kind of cute. Honestly.
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