I have epiphanies, left and right. The problem is, I have so many epiphanies that by the time I'm three or four away from the last one I've completely forgotten the first one. I always manage to have them when I'm nowhere near a pen/paper, sharp rock/dull earth, electrical pulse/brain, or otherwise. They just don't want to solidify. You have those ahah! moments and just as soon you're on to the next. It's almost as if each idea isn't given enough time to marinate--and maybe fester is the correct term here-- but the ideas certainly aren't given enough time to truly sink in.
See, that's the thing that happens when you ride for hours on end in a car listening to folk music. Which is what I did all day, driving home from Minneapolis. Anyways, I'm hoping to train my brain in the art of festering epiphanies. A true art.
Continuing in brain wave melting material: right now, I'm writing this as I'm sitting in on a showing of the '87 cult show Beauty and the Beast. It's painfully dreadful and terribly awful. And maybe that's not the correct term here. I'm certainly not full of awe regarding it, but I can't look away. Even the people who made the show are fully aware of how much a cheesefest this thing really is as they pan away to a shot of the moon. I really can't handle any more of this and as I have to awake in the wee hours of the morn, I'll be hitting the sack.
It's epiphany marination time.
Cheesefest coma commencing,
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